2013年5月30日 星期四

Milla Jovovich, stage, 55th International Art Exhibition, in Venice, Italy. 米拉·乔沃维奇/ 蜜拉·喬娃薇琪, 舞台, 第55屆國際藝術展, 威尼斯, 意大利.

Barbara Zanon / Getty Images
Actress Milla Jovovich performs on stage inside a plexiglass cube for Marella during the opening of The 55th International Art Exhibition on May 28 in Venice, Italy.
Milla making art. Photo Credit: Getty Images
Milla Jovovich Went To Venice And Got Buried In Trash, For Art | NewNowNext http://www.newnownext.com/milla-jovovich-venice-biennale-art-glass-box-trash/05/2013/
Celebrity Sightings- slideshow - slide - 7 - NBCNews.com http://slideshow.nbcnews.com/slideshow/today/celebrity-sightings-52034071/

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