2013年11月30日 星期六

Endangered Species. 瀕危物種

Endangered Species  Act's 40th anniversary
In the 40 years since the Endangered Species Act was established, it has protected more than 1500 domestic species. But for all of its successes, few laws have generated as much vocal and passionate opposition. NBC's Anne Thompson reports.
Endangered Species Act turns 40 years old — and faces midlife crisis - NBC News.com
A bald eagle perches in a tree near Bean Lake, in Missouri, in 2013. Our nation’s symbol, the bald eagle is now also a symbol of success for the Endangered Species Act. Their population, once severely reduced, has fully recovered due to the banning of DDT and the ESA protection of their habitat. The Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, which makes it illegal to hunt bald eagles, is still in effect.
Jessica Stewart / St. Joseph News-Press via AP
Photo: ./ Published: 01/27/2011
Endangered species: Animals on the brink of extinction - slide 17 - NY Daily News
A gray wolf at the Wildlife Science Center in Forest Lake, Minn. (ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Wolves no longer endangered but friends fight their delisting - Washington Times
A gray wolf rests in snow in the wild. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, on June 7, 2013, proposed removing the gray wolf from the list of protected and endangered species. A 90-day comment period ends in September and a final determination will be made in 2014.
National Park Service via AP
A chinook salmon, along with a school of shad, pass through the viewing room at McNary Lock and Dam on the Columbia River, in 2005 near Umatilla, Ore. Chinooks are endangered or threatened in some U.S. habitats and recovering in others.
Jeff T. Green / Getty Images
Black-footed ferrets were rediscovered in 1981, more than two years after they had been declared extinct. The black-footed ferret now is one of the most successful examples of species reintroduction anywhere, with wild populations thriving from Canada to Mexico.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service via AP
Manatees congregate in a canal where discharge from a nearby Florida Power & Light plant warms the water in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., in December 2010. They’re protected both under the ESA and Florida state laws. The biggest threats to these gentle giants? Loss of their habitat and boating accidents.
Lynne Sladky / AP
Tom Mangelsen / AP
Erik S. Lesser / EPA
Guillermo Arias / AP
Don Ryan / AP
Phil Sandlin / AP
Endangered Species Act's 40th anniversary- slideshow - slide - 1 - NBCNews.com

Endangered Species Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
濒危物种法,Endangered Species Act,音标,读音,翻译,英文例句,英语词典

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